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Commissioning a copywriter to write your blogs – how does it work?
It can sound quite official and scary – commissioning a copywriter. It’s really not. It’s really no different to any other service you might want to use in your business.
You know you need to do your accounts but maybe you don’t have the time, inclination, or expertise to do them yourself. So you employ a bookkeeper or accountant. You tell them what you would like them to do, they tell you what information they need and how the process will work. Then they go off and do their job.
Your accounts get done.

When you choose your bookkeeper or accountant you know you want to work with someone you trust, who can understand your business, who will do a professional job, and will achieve what you want to achieve.
Hiring a professional copywriter for blog writing is no different.
A copywriter will ask you questions to fully understand what you’re trying to achieve, how, and why. Then they can go away and write your blog post. And, unlike your accounts, you get the opportunity to change a few things if you’re not happy with them.
A professional copywriter with SEO (search engine optimisation) training will know how to write and structure your blogs to get people to read them and the search engines to find them. Blogs are also a great way to update your website content regularly.
What information does a copywriter need to write a blog?
You might already have a content marketing strategy in place and a long list of blogs you would like to write – with notes on everything you want covered. Or you might have no idea where you should even start.
Either way, it starts with a conversation.
Many copywriters will give you a briefing form to fill in. This is your opportunity to give us as much information as you think is relevant to the subject.
And you don’t need to write a structured essay plan! Notes are fine – and they don’t even need to be grammatically correct. We don’t judge.
What purpose does your blog serve?
A content writer will want to know what you want to achieve with your blog. This helps them understand how they need to approach it. Is it for information? To show you as an expert? To grow your audience?
And don’t forget, blogs serve a multitude of objectives regardless of their initial purpose. They can help increase your reach and grow the know, like, and trust side of your business that marketers (and copywriters) like to talk about.
What is your blog about?
Do you have an idea for a title, or do you want to give your audience some information on an interesting topic but you’re not sure how to approach it? A copywriter can help and advise on a good ‘angle’ if you’re not sure how something would be relevant.
Many people think they have to do the work and then a copywriter will rework it to make it ‘better’.
We can do that too, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. We can do the research and then structure and write your blog post with minimal input from you if that’s how you prefer to do it.

What’s your take on the subject?
Your blog is there to give some value to your readers. Do you have an opinion or recommendation you would like to get across? Why is the subject interesting to your audience? What are your or your customers’ perspectives on the topic?
Is there any specific information you would like included?
Are there certain talking points you would like to include? Do you have any research or resources you would like the blog to be informed by? We will do our own research but the more information you can give us to point us in the right direction, the better the result.
Depending on the subject and the purpose of your blog, there might be certain internal sources or customer quotes you would like to use.
And a good copywriter will look at what other information you have on your website and see what existing content they can link to – but you are likely to know better. Unless we’ve written it anyway, which is one of the reasons it helps to commission the same copywriter to write all your blogs.
Your finished blog post
You will get a first draft from your copywriter and this is your opportunity to ask them to make any changes you feel are necessary. Depending on the agreement, you should have the right to one or two rounds of changes.
If you have chosen your copywriter wisely and made sure you are both on the same literal and metaphorical page, it’s likely you will only feel the need to make minimal changes – if any.
It’s generally a good idea to get your copywriter to make the changes, even if they are minimal: sometimes changing one thing can mean that other things will need to change too. This could be elsewhere in the wording or the structure of the blog, for example.

Then you get to publish it. Don’t forget you can recycle snippets of your blogs for social media posts, put links in your newsletters, and so on.
Planning your blog content
For many things, having a plan can help you reduce stress and concentrate on things that need your attention. Blog posts are no exception. If you know you have a steady supply coming in you can post on a regular basis you can relax.
Your website will be working away in the background and you’ll have ready-made content for your social media.
Hiring a copywriter to write your business blog posts
If you would like to find out more about how you could benefit from having a professional SEO blog writer do your blog writing for you, please get in touch.