RB Writing

How Often Should Your Business Post A Blog?

Content Calendar with highlighted entries

How often your business should be posting blogs is not set in stone. But there are a few basic elements you’ll want to think about before you commit to how often you’ll be posting your blogs. And committing – and sticking to your commitment – is one of the most important things you can do.  […]

Why Do People Read Blogs?

Why people read blogs

Blogs are a vital part of a content marketing strategy, but why do people read them? Here are 7 reasons people read blogs

How To Make Your Website Work Harder For You

Three colourful toy robots

Are you wasting some of your website’s potential? Do you just see it as somewhere people go to check you out once they already know you? While you may think of your website as a mere formality, it can do so much more for you. It’s there and you’ve paid for it, so why wouldn’t […]

Why You Should Update Your Website Content Regularly

Update Website

You may have spent a lot of time and effort producing the perfect website. After all, everyone wants a website they are proud of that will help attract and retain the right clients. But, now it’s there, are you keeping it up to date? Have you looked at your website copy recently? Has it been […]

What Do I Need To Know About ChatGPT And Content Writing?

ChatGPT can be used to generate content – but how can it be useful for writing blog posts and what are its limitations?

Is it the answer to all your content creation problems and the end of the copywriter, or is it the beginning of the end for humanity and creativity in particular? Something in between? Let’s find out.