RB Writing

What Does Good Website Copy Achieve?

overview of cup of tea, paper with web design sketched out and coloured pencils

If your website copy is good it can achieve great things. But it needs to do several things well – and at the same time. Knowing what your website copy could do can help you assess how successful it is. It’s all too easy to focus on one or two elements – or assume that […]

Why Do I Need A Copywriter?

woman typing on laptop seen from over her shoulder

If you’re not sure why you need a copywriter, this will take you through the many compelling reasons for using one in your business. Don’t get left behind!

Why Do You Need SEO-Friendly Website Copy?

tablet on a table with Google Search page open, cup of coffee in the background

If you’re in business your website is one of the most useful tools you have at your disposal. So it makes sense to use it properly. It’s not just a vanity project or a digital business card. It’s a marketing opportunity, a lead generator, and a corner of the internet you can claim as your […]

Ways To Improve Your Content Writing Skills

Signpost saying Skills

Writing content takes time and mental energy. You want people to read it, and not just because of the search engine optimisation, or SEO. It’s there to inform and educate, create connection and engagement, and show you as an expert.  So it needs to be and do all of those things. And if you want […]

How Can You Use AI For Blog Posts?

Cartoon of a robot writing on a pad with pencil

AI-writing tools are developing at such a rate that they are rarely out of the news. Chat-GPT hasn’t even been around for that long but has already fundamentally changed how we create content. In theory you can magic a blog post out of thin air.  You just ask your favourite writing tool to create one […]

How Often Should Your Business Post A Blog?

Content Calendar with highlighted entries

How often your business should be posting blogs is not set in stone. But there are a few basic elements you’ll want to think about before you commit to how often you’ll be posting your blogs. And committing – and sticking to your commitment – is one of the most important things you can do.  […]