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It doesn’t matter what size business you have: blog posts are a useful tool. You may have been advised to write them for your company website but don’t really get the rationale. Why should you spend your time or money either creating blogs yourself or paying someone else to do it?
There are plenty of reasons blogs are good for your business and here we’ll look at seven of them. They each have an element of building on the other rather than being separate and distinct. So you should benefit from them all.
1. Blogs prove expertise and authority and help build your reputation
Your current and potential customers want to see evidence that you are an authority in your field and know what you’re talking about. They want to see that you are passionate enough about your product or service and your clients to take the time to give something extra, not just sell to them.
By blogging about subjects around your industry customers get to see and understand you as more than just the product or service. Blogs can showcase why you are the best company to serve your customers’ needs and give them the all-important social proof they’re looking for.

2. They inform and educate
Whether you have a niche product or something that everyone needs, you can inform and educate your clients with your expert knowledge. For niche and new products blog posts can investigate and explain the reasons around why they exist or how they can benefit people. If you have a product that everyone needs, like laundry detergent or toothpaste, be better than your competitors by explaining how your industry or product works, why certain ingredients are used, best practice for use, and so on.
You’ll know the sort of information your clients are interested in and you can tap into this to attract, convert, and retain customers.
“Blogs have been rated as the 5th most trusted source for accurate online information”
3. Blogs increase engagement and build community
Google loves a website that engages people. We’re not specifically looking at SEO (search engine optimisation) in this post but it’s impossible not to mention it. The longer visitors stay on your website the more proof Google has that you have authority in your area. If visitors stay to read blog posts and engage with your content, the better your ranking in the search results (more below). And you can build in links to encourage people to visit other pages on your website to keep them there even longer.
Blog posts help people get a better idea of an organisation’s values. They should resonate with your target clients and give them something they can identify and align with. In turn they will find themselves in a community of like-minded people, building stronger links with your brand.

4. Blog posts can be repurposed for social media content
In a world where you need to be omnipresent on social media it can sometimes be difficult to find enough content. Blog posts give you content that you can repackage, repurpose, link to, discuss, and so on, on the various social platforms your company interacts on.
If you’re lucky you might even get several social media posts for each platform out of one blog post. And they’ll provide talking points and engagement opportunities on those too.
5. Blog posts help drive traffic to your website
Blog posts that have all the right ingredients will show up in searches, driving potential customers to your website that might otherwise never have heard of your business. More website traffic means you have greater numbers of visitors to convert to clients, and in a circular fashion, more traffic means you have more domain authority and your website is more likely to show up in searches. Driving more traffic.
Regularly updating your website helps Google see that it’s an active one. Consistently publishing blog posts is an easy way for a company to constantly update their site.

6. They help generate quality leads
Visitors to your website who have got there organically, searching for something you have posted about in a blog, are already interested in what you have to say. While not all blog post readers will convert into paying customers overnight, you are now on their radar. You have the opportunity to prove to them that you are better than the competition.
Blog posts are a marketing tool that shouldn’t be ignored.
7. Blog posts can help drive long-term results
Posting blogs is a long game not just a short window of opportunity to share something, unlike much of social media. While you might be disappointed by the immediate number of ‘hits’ you get for a blog post, don’t forget that they can build over time.
While not all blog posts will have lasting appeal, those that contain ‘evergreen’ content can remain popular for years and will continue to drive new traffic to your website.
“Websites that also have a blog are shown to have 434% more indexed pages”
Is your business ready to start posting blogs on a regular basis? Creating a content calendar and then finding the time to write blogs can be tricky. And making sure they are well written and engaging, as well as having all the elements necessary for the search engines to find them can be even harder.
If you would like to talk blogs and how to get them to work for you please get in touch.