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It’s a common problem. You had a website that, for a while at least, served its purpose. It was an online business card, it attracted new prospects, or it encouraged visitors to take certain actions. Now, either you want it to serve a different purpose or it’s just not working for your company the way it used to.

It’s easy to think a fresh, new website will solve the problem. And it might. But it could also be like moving house because the roof is leaking, and your new cushions don’t suit the colour scheme you chose five years ago.

A website is an investment

You have already invested in your website. A brand-new website often comes at significant cost, in both time and money. Websites new and old need care and attention. There are things that need to be maintained and elements that can be added or improved to make them perform their function better.

A website content, or copy, audit can be an extremely cost-effective way to identify issues and offer solutions for poorly performing websites. A website copy audit can also make good websites even better.

What is a website content audit?

A copy audit is a systematic review of the written content of a website. It looks at the writing and how it is (or isn’t) doing its job. It’s not looking for spelling mistakes and missing apostrophes, although errors will make up part of the picture. And if you audit on-page search-engine optimisation with it, a website copy audit can be incredibly powerful.

Why would your website copy need reviewing?

Your business, your industry or sector, and customer expectations all change over time. As your products and services evolve, it’s likely your customers do too. Your messaging and tone need to resonate with your target clients. Structure, layout, links and calls to action all matter. Best practices for search engine optimisation change too.

Outdated or poorly written copy can impact how well your website performs. Jargon, too much information, too little information, errors – it all creates an impression. If your website copy doesn’t reflect what you do and who you do it for, it won’t help you find the right clients. It can lead to reduced trust and authority – and help your competitors look better.

Signs your website copy might need auditing

  • You know you’re not happy with your website but you’re not sure why
  • You don’t feel it really reflects your business anymore
  • You have a high ‘bounce rate’. In other words, there’s traffic coming to your website, but people aren’t sticking around and doing what you’d like them to do
  • Your website isn’t appearing in the searches you would like to rank for
  • The traffic you’re getting doesn’t reflect your target audience
  • Competitor websites seem more professional and engaging

Website content audits that look at SEO too

You don’t know what you don’t know. And it’s very difficult to look objectively at something you are close to. A website copy audit looks at the written content from an objective, outsider’s point of view. It looks at it in the context of what you want to achieve from it and what your target market is looking for. A professional copywriter understands how language works and the impact it’s having (or not having).

A website content audit:

  • can lead to improved user experience and engagement
  • can help you identify and fix gaps in your messaging
  • can help you increase your conversion rates

A content audit that takes on-page and some elements of technical search-engine optimisation into account too is even more powerful. It looks at the written content from the search engines’ point of view too. Search engine optimisation isn’t a ‘dark art’ or a way to ‘cheat’ the system. Done properly, it gives the search engines everything they need to be confident your website is exactly what their searchers want.

Copy that lacks the relevant keywords, structure, layout, links, and other optimisation techniques won’t rank in searches. It could be the most beautifully written copy in the world, but without the right SEO, your target audience won’t get to see it.

What can you expect from an SEO website copy audit?

A copy audit isn’t designed to pick holes in your website content and create work where there isn’t any. It’s designed to provide constructive feedback on what is working and what isn’t. You get actionable recommendations on ways you can make improvements that will make a positive difference. You can implement these improvements yourself, or you can get a professional to make any necessary changes for you.

How often should you audit your website copy?

Best practice for your website has you regularly updating and refreshing your website content. If your website is a house, your content is the fixtures and fittings.

You move into your house, and you live in it. You don’t shut the door on it and forget about it. You keep it clean and tidy. You change things around as you discover what works best. You make sure it’s welcoming and suits your own and your guests’ personalities, needs, and expectations. You make sure people can find it easily and that each room serves its purpose.

In an ideal world you will be doing this with your website. You’ll ensure your pages, products, and services are up to date. You’ll post blogs and case studies regularly. You’ll be building trust and authority. Your site will be search-engine optimised on an on-going basis and easy to find.

Getting a professional website copy audit

Maybe you got your website and shut the metaphorical door on it. Or perhaps you have tried to establish good habits. In reality, you’ve probably skipped the hoovering every now and then when you got a bit busy. You might also be expecting people to know how to help themselves when they visit, and to ask you directly for anything they can’t find.

Either way, the chances are your website could be doing a lot more for you. If you know it isn’t doing all the things it should be, you’d benefit from an SEO website copy audit. If you haven’t been maintaining it regularly, or just want to get more out of it, a comprehensive, systematic audit will give you the tools you need to improve.

Please get in touch to find out more.