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Improving your website copy can help increase your conversion rates. A great-looking website gets people interested, but good writing can get and keep them there. And if your website doesn’t look great, you’ll be relying on the copy anyway. Consistency, clarity, correctness, and conciseness are a given – but that’s only for starters. You need to think about your audience, your services, your search engine optimisation – and those all-important calls to action.

So where do you start? There are some quick and easy ways to help you focus on better website copy to increase your conversion rates at the same time.

Easy ways to improve your website copy


      • Speak directly to your target audience about things they are interested in

      • Make sure what you do and who you do it for is clear

      • Talk about how you can help and address questions and objections

      • Be concise and stick to what’s relevant and important

      • Make things easy for your website visitors with clear calls to action

      • Use the right keywords and phrases

      • Ensure your content is high-quality, interesting, engaging, and free of errors.

    runner running through the finishing tape, backdrop of the sky

    Let’s look in more details at the three main areas where improving your website copy can increase your conversion rates:

    1. Write your website copy for your target audience


        1. Speak your audience’s language: Know who you are talking to and use language that resonates with them. Look at the terminology you are using and avoid jargon.

        1. Talk directly to your target customer: Use ‘you’ in your text. It’s more engaging and no one wants to read about or be ‘the customer’.

        1. Talk about the things your customers are interested in: Don’t make it all about you. People want to know what the benefits of your services are to them and how you can help.

        1. Make things easy: Simplify your forms so you’re asking for as little information as possible, as clearly as possible. Make sure you have easily accessible links for getting in touch and clear calls to action.

        1. Address questions and objections: FAQs are a great way to preempt questions and concerns and can help in the decision-making process.

      2. Revisit your products and services


          1. Make them clear: If your products and services are unclear or confusing, people will leave without knowing how you could help.

          1. Make sure they are up to date: This shouldn’t really need saying, but too often things get updated via social media channels – and the website gets forgotten.

          1. Tell customers what the benefits and outcomes are: Don’t just focus on the features of your products and services, make sure your customers know what benefits they stand to gain.

        3. Optimise your website copy for people and search engines


            1. Make sure it’s high quality, well written, and interesting: People don’t want to read badly written junk that’s just there for the sake of ‘content’. The search engines don’t want to see this either. There are plenty of ways you can improve your content-writing skills.

            1. Include keywords and phrases seamlessly: interesting and engaging copy is only good for conversion rates if people actually read it. Key words and phrases help that happen, but your copy still needs to be high quality, well written, and interesting as per point one.

            1. Don’t forget SEO page titles and meta descriptions: These help bring more people to your website organically, and greater numbers of people visiting means increased chances for conversion.

          Better copy, better conversion rates

          ‘Better’ copy means several things. It should be:


              • Well written and easy to read and understand. People have a limited attention span and do not expect to have to work too hard online. If it’s going to take time and effort to work out what you do, you are likely to lose people to your competitors. This includes the way it looks on the page. Use white space to make it more visually appealing. Headings, bullet points, and so on make it more digestible.

              • Free of any grammatical, spelling, or other errors. Errors lead to a lack of credibility as a professional business. If a company doesn’t take the care and attention necessary to ensure their website is correct, how can they be trusted to take care of their customers?

              • Engaging. Engaging copy is more likely to hold a reader’s interest and create a feeling of understanding and connection.

              • Fit for purpose. If your copy is designed to inform, it should inform. If it’s designed to drive sales, it should do this. Calls to action are key: it’s no good having compelling content that expertly persuades readers why they need you if they don’t know what to do next.

            Could your conversion rates be improved?

            If you have seen a fall-off in online conversion rates, or they have never been that good anyway, maybe your copy needs improving. An SEO website copy audit looks at how your copy is performing and what could be improved. It gives you easily actionable steps to take to make positive changes that will help your business. And if you already know your copy needs a complete refresh, it could be time for a full SEO website copy overhaul by a professional.

            Schedule a call or get in touch to find out more about RB Writing’s professional copywriting services. Get started now on increasing your conversion rates with better copy.